Bustling stores and high customer footfall mean that risks abound in the world of retail, especially during the January sales when shoppers flock to the High Street. 

From theft and vandalism to the ever-present threat of fire, retail spaces are vulnerable to a range of security concerns that can impact both the safety of customers and staff, property and business assets, and the financial health of the business. 

One of the most pervasive risks in the retail industry is theft, whether perpetrated by shoplifters or employees. Retailers are confronted with the constant challenge of preventing inventory shrinkage and safeguarding their profits. 

Figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveal that shoplifting in England and Wales rose by 23% in 2022.1 

Systems incorporate behavioural algorithms 

AI-enabled CCTV technology by Chubb can pinpoint retail crime before it occurs. The systems can incorporate behavioural algorithms to detect the tell-tale signs of shoplifting in real time and then alert in store security guards. Security footage can be reviewed periodically with loss prevention teams, and using the rich data that has been collected, tangible outcomes and actions can be implemented to further enhance security, safeguard staff, and build trust with customers. 

Chubb can also provide surveillance technology to spot known criminals before they even enter your store. Early warning detection ANPR and facial recognition can notify in-store security or the police, and the subsequent action can stop them in their tracks. 

Acts of vandalism, including graffiti and property damage, can pose a significant threat to retail spaces. Such incidents not only harm the physical appearance of the store but can also disrupt normal operations. 

Security incursions can also be cyber, as well as physical. With so many customers sharing information in-store and online, the retail sector is a prime target for cyberattacks. Theft of customer data, including credit card numbers and bank account details is a major concern. 

Crucial changes in data protection 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has brought about crucial changes in data protection. These regulations require retailers to handle and protect customer data with utmost care. But with so many customers sharing information in-store and online, the retail sector is a prime target for cyberattacks. GDPR also grants customers the “right to be forgotten” and the ability to request access to their data – at which point, retailers must be able to comply. 

CCTV solutions delivered by Chubb can capture all manner of visual data to assist with security. But, as a retailer, you may receive Subject Access Requests (SAR) for CCTV footage. That could be from customers wishing to have footage of themselves in your store or legal requests from police investigating a crime. To ensure other people’s data isn’t shared, Chubb’s redaction software can blur faces. Rather than using third parties to do this work, which may infringe GDPR, Chubb can provide a licence to enable you to carry out redaction in-store, which helps to speed up your response to a SAR and even support with redaction-enabled software for operational efficiencies in SARs. 

Chubb is constantly innovating and working on solutions and partnering with experts on cyber security to protect your business from potential cyberattacks. One such innovation is the Chubb ExtranetTM. This new private managed network service can provide totally secure, independent, non-public facing Fixed IP connectivity, usually via an industrial 4G network router. Chubb engineers can install this reliable, secure, and easy-to-use router at your premises and gain the 4G speed internet connection required when installing and servicing fire safety and security solutions. 

Once your fire safety and security solutions are installed, Chubb uses the Extranet to safely connect to your systems to ensure the fire safety and security solutions are protecting your business. Chubb will respond to alarm notifications, remotely connect to fix faults and provide you with analytics and data in your very own portal, ChubbmySite. This secure connection sits outside your network, eliminating any risk for your business, and there is no need for you to upgrade your broadband or internet security. 

Fire is a catastrophic risk that can cause irreparable damage to property, result in the loss of valuable inventory, and, most importantly, endanger lives. Electrical faults, faulty equipment, and human negligence are common causes of retail fires.2 

Early detection of a fire is paramount to preventing a small incident from escalating into a major catastrophe. Fire detection systems equipped with smoke detectors and heat sensors can trigger alarms and alert emergency services. Additionally, automatic fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers, can quickly extinguish a fire before it spreads. 

Mitigating retail risks with fire and security solutions 

Installing state-of-the-art surveillance systems is an effective deterrent against theft and vandalism. High-resolution cameras strategically positioned throughout the store can not only capture incidents in real-time but also act as a deterrent to potential wrongdoers. Additionally, modern systems may incorporate artificial intelligence for behaviour analysis, automatically alerting security personnel to suspicious activities. 

Strategically positioned CCTV cameras with enhanced capabilities in backroom areas will help reduce workplace injuries and long-term absences. Smart cameras can identify a whole range of activities and send alerts to management teams highlighting potentially dangerous activities, from employees not wearing the correct PPE in loading bays to poor fire safety practices such as wedging open fire doors. These alerts equip you with the knowledge to be able to intervene before a serious incident happens. 

With CCTV solutions delivered by Chubb, you will have full coverage and video evidence of every incident on your premises. This can help to mitigate false claims from employees. With Chubb’s CheckMySystems you will also have peace of mind that your systems are always on. Chubb can apply remote AI checks to ensure cameras are functioning and recording the information you need. This process is done remotely and means one less thing for you or your staff to have to manage. 

Limiting access to sensitive areas within the retail space is crucial for preventing internal theft and protecting valuable assets. Access control systems, such as key card entry systems or biometric scanners, ensure that only authorised personnel have access to restricted areas, reducing the risk of internal theft. 

Intrusion detection systems are designed to alert retailers to unauthorised access after hours. These systems may include sensors on doors and windows, motion detectors, and glass break detectors. In the event of a break-in, immediate notification allows for a rapid response, minimising potential losses. 

Employee training and awareness 

Well-trained and vigilant staff is a crucial component of any retail security strategy. Employees should be educated on the importance of security protocols, such as proper cash handling, recognising and reporting suspicious behaviour, and following fire safety procedures. Regular training sessions can reinforce these practices and keep security measures top of mind. 

Developing and regularly practising emergency evacuation plans is essential for ensuring the safety of both customers and employees. Clear exit routes, designated assembly points, and regular drills contribute to a well-prepared and responsive team in the event of a fire or other emergencies. 

Fire risk assessments are also a crucial part of keeping retail environments braced for any eventuality. A fire risk assessment involves identifying and evaluating potential fire hazards and risks within a building or premises. 

The retail landscape is not without its challenges, but proactive implementation of fire and security solutions can significantly mitigate retail risks. By investing in modern technologies, adopting comprehensive security measures, and fostering a culture of awareness among staff, retailers can create safer environments for both their customers and their businesses. In an industry where success hinges on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, safeguarding retail spaces is not just a choice but a strategic necessity.

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