Take the next step in people safety with SafeZone® supported by Chubb, the Lone Worker Safety Solution.
Health and safety is a fundamental pillar of all organisations. Without it, we could be in breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which details the responsibility employers have to protect the health, safety and welfare of all their employees at work. Neglecting this duty of care even by a small margin could potentially lead to huge legal implications, such as fines, imprisonment and reputational damage. However, the world of work has become extremely fast-paced and dynamic; with people working from home, or alone during long periods at night, utilising complex and heavy equipment, travelling for meetings and staff with varying shifts. But with such variations in working patterns, how can employers be assured that their people are always safe? Introducing SafeZone® supported by Chubb.
Your staff members and lone workers can summon help via the SafeZone app to raise alerts, share their location, inform they need medical assistance, general help or in an emergency. Alerts go directly to Chubb’s monitoring centre response team. The app is suitable for small to medium sized organisations
At the enterprise level, SafeZone supported by Chubb combines CriticalArc’s award-winning cloud-based safety, security and emergency management solution with remote monitoring, provided by Chubb and its expert team, 24/7/365. It is suitable for large organisations with different types of workers.
SafeZone® is a trademark owned solely and exclusively by CriticalArc Pty Ltd
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