Chubb’s products and services touch the lives of people around the world every day. Our global operation is a testament to the high quality of service that our customers have come to expect and speaks to the tremendous amount of trust they have in us. This trust has been built over the years by a culture of high performance and integrity.
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As part of APi Group’s family of companies, we have one Code of Business Conduct & Ethics. Our Code is an integral part of our business that nurtures trust by ensuring that we hold ourselves and how we do business, to the highest standards of integrity. The Code sets requirements for business conduct and serves as a foundation for our company policies, procedures and guidelines, all of which provide guidance to employees, business partners and stakeholders, on expected ethical behaviours. Our strong global ethics and compliance programme serves as a guiding light for our Code, policies and procedures and supports our employees and business partners in making ethical choices and decisions.
The underpinnings of our high standards of ethical business practices at Chubb are:
We actively encourage our staff to confidentially report any Ethics and Compliance concerns related to a Chubb business by contacting their local Ethics and Compliance Officer (ECO), HR, supervisor or through the
Our suppliers are critical to our success, and in order to provide products and services in a responsible manner, we hold high expectations for ethics and compliance.