Chubb Helps Protect Elderly and Vulnerable with New Monitoring Contract
By Chubb | 23rd August 2018
By Chubb | 23rd August 2018
Chubb’s Community Care business is furthering the safety of elderly and vulnerable residents under the care of the Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) with a new monitoring contract for their sheltered housing properties. Chubb is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).
The monitoring service connects a resident’s warden call and home alarm system with Chubb’s 24-hour alarm receiving centre (ARC). If a resident triggers an alarm, skilled operators at the ARC are able to respond immediately. They have access to the medical notes of each user, and instructions on whom to contact in the event of an emergency.
The system will oversee nearly 270 sheltered properties and includes monitoring of a range of warden call and alarm systems, including third-party technologies. Jeanette Barnes, Head of Supporting People, DGHP, said mobilisation went very smoothly:
“Transferring all contact and medical details, as well as updating all systems to the new monitoring centre was no small job, but it was handled very well by Chubb managers and engineers,” she said. “All site visits were timely, and management were very accessible and responsive to queries. Overall communication was excellent and this gives us great confidence for our future business relationship with Chubb.”
Chubb was able to demonstrate in the competitive tender that it could exceed industry standards regarding how quickly calls are answered, as well as delivering cost efficiencies to the housing partnership.
“We were impressed by Chubb’s understanding of dealing with vulnerable people, and in their understanding of the importance of communication,” Barnes said. “When incidents happen overnight, housing managers need to be made aware as soon as possible, and we are confident that Chubb will be able to provide this critical service.”
DGHP is a registered social landlord providing homes to 10,300 tenants and has a programme to build new high-quality, affordable housing across the region.
For more information visit www.chubbcommunitycare.co.uk
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