On Thursday 30th November 2023, The British Standards Institution (BSI) published revisions to its BS 5306-8:2023 code of practice. The code provides an in-depth analysis of the different types of fire extinguishers, the circumstances under which each type is suitable to use, and the appropriate locations to install them. 

In our previous blog, we discussed the guidance on lithium-ion battery fires. 

In our final blog of the series, we’ll be delving into the extinguisher requirements for small floors/storeys. 

Is one fire extinguisher enough on small floors? 

Both the fire industry and employers deemed the requirement of two extinguishers on a very small floor/storey as an unnecessary exercise, becoming an ‘overkill’. As a result, the challenge posed for BSI here was to find a way to preserve fire-fighting capability while reducing the number of extinguishers. 

Fortunately, extinguishers carry a rating achieved through formal fire tests.  The floor area needs a certain combined rating by way of coverage.  BSI appear to have looked at both and now allows us to have a single high-rated extinguisher on any storey or mezzanine which has an area under 50m2.  Conveniently, the ratings available from some extinguishers are 27A (other higher ones are 34A, 43A and 55A), so this is achievable. 

Powder has a high A-rating compared to water-based and, with the use of powder extinguishers indoors being “relaxed” with this revision, it is not impossible that we will see the day when single powder extinguisher will be able to cover all hazards on very small floors/storeys. 

A victory for common sense and a future cost saving for employers! 

How we can help 

Our fire extinguishers have been protecting people and premises for over 200 years. We have the skills, knowledge and people to ensure your fire extinguishers are properly installed and serviced when required. We’re always up to date with the latest regulations and legislation, so you don’t have to be. 

Contact one of our experts today – https://chubbfs.com/uk-en/products-solutions/fire/fire-extinguishers/  

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